About Us

Sudan is rich with its abundant resources which are represented in vast areas of land, and various climates. It is special with its fertile agricultural lands, large amounts of fresh water, and a variety in its animal resources. The extraction of petroleum gave Sudan an important economic dimension.

This is besides the distinguished geographic locations of Sudan which makes Sudan a passage to other African countries which qualifies it as one of the commercial and investment inlets of those countries.

 The importance of Sudan has increased in the field of investment during the last period due to its increasing economic importance from one side and its abundant economic resources from another.

It has become the target businessmen from all around the globe who come to start investments in Sudan, supported by the fact that Sudan ranked second in the list of the worlds most attractive countries for investment according to the reports of regional and international organizations.

The investment opportunities will grow after the establishment of the peace process which adds an effective third dimension to the attractive investment climate. It will also allow investors to utilize natural resources abundant in Sudan’s states more efficiently.

The establishment of a Ministry of Investment reflects the attention the state pays to the investment processes through creating a suitable investment climate and developing the promotion means to raise them to an international level.

The Ministry has carried out efforts to prepare a suitable environment through facilitating procedures, unifying them at one window and put in place the rules and procedures to facilitate protecting investors rights.

We are pleased to present you with the Ministry’s website which reflects the available investment opportunities.

We welcome you in Sudan and open all of the Ministry’s doors receiving you and presenting all possible information to introduce you to the resources and opportunities available in Sudan and provide all facilities to help you complete your tasks in ample time.

If you want to connect with us please reach us at [email protected]